Sunday, 12 February 2017

Uke nagashi
Raise saya up in a pronounced way before drawing to save time on draw. Get awkward feet position better.

Kesa Giri
Draw and turn saya on SECOND step. Third step is upward cut then cut down again. As you come into Hasso Kamae, push out with sword as you move back for better Seme.

Morote Tzuki
Keep hands closer in to stop sword wandering out and sticking out away from body. Sword should be closer to body as you cut and remember to go through Jodan

Practice - cut should be on left knee (check this). You were getting wrong knee forward.

Rather than thinking of pushing back after Kiri o roshi, imagine pointing back and upwards to ceiling

General point. Look first then move hips and body - dont move heads hips body at same time.