Sunday, 16 July 2017

1) Ukenagashi
Keep tsuba closer to head as block. Pointing kashira at opponent puts your hand in right place for cut. KNEE KNEE KNEE. It's a deflection

2) Sanpo Giri/any kata with turn
DONT LET TIP DROP KEEP BLAD PARALLEL WITH FLOOR. Brings hands in closer to hips for cut but DONT LET TIP drop down back

also keep tip POINTING at opponent until hips almost turned again this stops tip dropping

Extra look in Sanpo Giri to to centre, to left

3) Mae - on chiburi angle of hand is wrong bring in more with kashira pointing then sweep out. Existing angle of wrist very wrong.

DONT LET WEIGHT FALL OVER RIGHT KNEE, centre of gravity needs to be back - you are LEANING forward. At teh same time, imagine you have lego blog under back foot.

HANDS STILL TENSE on noto and all hand movements